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Energizing a Just Transition

Building the energy system of the future with commitment to a just and inclusive transition.

The Just Transition

As we continue towards a decarbonized future and integrate clean energy to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, we know it is critical to do so in a way that protects workers' livelihoods, creates well-paid jobs and supports communities that have been disproportionately affected by climate change.

We are striving to provide communities with a seat at the table for infrastructure planning from the start, and deserve to play a role in energy discussions that affect them.

In the Just Transition, we will provide training and support to our current and future employees, so they have the skills they need to be successful in a clean energy future.

We are working to ensure that our clean energy investments benefit all the communities we serve, including those that have been historically marginalized and environmentally overburdened. 

  • The Green Sustainable Technical Education Program (Green STEP) supplements existing high school curriculum with specialized training workshops and certifications preparing students for a career in the clean energy industry, with a focus on students in priority communities.
  • The Clean Energy Pathways program connects Massachusetts students and workers in historically underrepresented populations with full-time, paid, three-month internships in the HVAC or weatherization fields. 

Working With Communities

Across our territory, there are numerous communities that have been directly impacted by economic, social and environmental inequities.

We believe that a shift to clean energy can generate opportunities for communities to have a seat and voice at the table for clean energy planning. 

We are taking feedback based on lived experiences of communities and carefully responding to the needs, concerns and questions that are expressed by each community.

  • We provide educational and informational materials in multiple languages.
  • Delivering clean energy benefits to our communities, including investing in battery storage, EV charging, geothermal and solar (including community solar).
  • We invest in energy efficiency and renewable energy projects with a focus on historically marginalized communities.
  • Adocating for regulations that would lessen the financial burden for income eligible ownership of solar generation.
  • Collaborating with impacted communities on plans outlined in our Electric Sector Modernization Plan (ESMP) to drive renewable energy production and electricfication.

Coordinated planning with communities

Our team is actively working with communities and stakeholders to carry out our ESMP, a comprehensive five- and ten-year roadmap to support the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ goal to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050.

Engaging stakeholders is key to help mitigate potential adverse impacts of the clean energy transition and secure shared benefits of the Commonwealth’s Clean Energy Climate Plan.

As part of our ESMP, we are establishing a Community Engagement Stakeholder Advisory Group (CESAG) with members of key community-based organizations who can help us prioritize the voices and lived experiences of our customers.

The CESAG will allow for a structured opportunity for Massachusetts electric utilities and community-based organizations to jointly develop a statewide comprehensive stakeholder engagement framework that can be integrated into the development of our clean energy projects.

Sustainability and DE&I are Core Values of Our Business