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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Inclusive Workplace

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council

Our DE&I Council is a cross-functional team comprised of executive sponsors, Business Resource Group leaders and other key stakeholders.

The council helps approve, advise on and set the strategy to help drive activities that support our corporate and DE&I goals and metrics.

Business Resource Groups (BRGs)

The pride + allies brg walks during a pride parade

Our BRGs are voluntary, employee-led communities that organize around a particular dimension of diversity or identity.

Our BRGs embrace individual and collective diversity, contribute to our employees' personal and professional development and offer the opportunity for our employees to connect with each other.

They also offer a safe space where people of similar backgrounds can gather to discuss issues impacting their communities and create awareness on how Eversource and allies can better support them.

There are six BRGs:

Five people posing
  • New Hire Business Resource Group
  • Women's Business Resource Group
  • Veterans Business Resource Group
  • Multicultural Business Resource Group 
  • Young Professionals Business Resource Group
  • Pride+Allies Business Resource Group

In 2024, we look forward to adding our seventh BRG for People with Disabilities and their Caretakers and Allies.

BRGs meet regularly, and each hosts multiple events every year to celebrate and support our employees. Some of our events hosted in 2022 include:

  • Multicultural Awareness Campaigns - The Multicultural BRG hosted company-wide signature celebration events, including Black History Month, Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month and a Hispanic Heritage Month celebration. 
  • Pride Celebration Events - The Pride+Allies BRG hosted compelling educational sessions for our employees during June Pride Month and Transgender Awareness Week to build greater awareness and understanding of the unique needs of the LGBTQ community and their families. 
  • Career Panel - The Women's BRG hosted a career panel focused on career journeys, tips and strategies for women seeking STEM and non-traditional roles.

Diversity in Action

Driving a DE&I strategy requires intentional effort, continued diligence, and respectful partnerships. In 2023, we ramped up our DE&I in Action initiative, a communication series aimed at increasing transparency and employee understanding of the impact of DE&I at Eversource.

In this series, we highlight employees who lead by example and “walk the talk” when it comes to exemplifying DE&I in the workplace and community. The following employees are a few of our many colleagues who exemplify the core values of DE&I through their actions at work and home.

Alex Ralph looking into the camera

Alex Ralph

Call Center Supervisor 

As a leader in our Pride + Allies BRG, in June of 2023, Alex co-led Eversource’s participation in four Pride festivals and parades throughout our communities. “It was exhilarating to be able to lead something so impactful and to show up proud and strong for our communities!”

A Continued Commitment to Women

Our Women’s Business Resource Group (WBRG) focuses on several key priorities, including establishing bridges and pathways for the women of Eversource to make new connections, share experiences, develop their careers and collaborate.

We promote career advancement for women through several thoughtful, strategic initiatives, including:

  • Paradigm for Parity - We are a committed partner of Paradigm for Parity, which supports companies in their commitment for gender parity in corporate leadership. They offer career development programs and workshops that help propel women forward in their career journeys.
  • Benefits with Women in Mind - The WBRG hosted an HR Benefits with Women in Mind information session, focused on FAQs, strategies, and tips for maximizing benefits of special interest to women and families.
  • Women’s Energy Network (WEN) - We have sponsored WEN since 2020. The organization provides networking and educational programming on relevant topics, mentoring, social events and mixers with other local organizations and community civic engagement events.
  • Career Series - The WBRG continued its career development series providing a personal branding seminar featuring a renowned branding expert and author, Rita Allen. They also hosted a career panel for women seeking STEM and nontraditional roles.
  • Girls With Impact - Over the past six years, we have been a major sponsor of Girls with Impact. Their “mini-MBA” program equips girls from historically underserved communities with the skills, knowledge and confidence to launch their own businesses and ultimately become the leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators of tomorrow.
  • Learn to Live - An online behavioral health program that helps employees with stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, substance abuse and resilience.
  • Workforce Development with New England Women in Energy & the Environment (NEWIEE) - NEWIEE supports women working in the energy and environmental fields, providing education, networking, leadership and mentoring opportunities. We sponsor NEWIEE, and one of the WBRG executive sponsors, Catherine Finneran, is Vice President, Director, Membership Co-Chair.
Andrea Atkinson-Downer's headshot

“I had the opportunity to attend the Paradigm for Parity Profit and Loss Leadership Acceleration Program through Eversource’s membership, which enabled me to sharpen my core leadership skills. I’m now making stronger strategic and critical decisions while inspiring the growth of others. There’s a mutual benefit of meeting our career goals and the goals of the organization.”  

Andrea Atkinson-Downer - Lead Engineer, Distribution Engineering

DE&I is a Core Value Throughout Our Business

Explore how diversity, equity and inclusion impact the future of our business.