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Holbrook to Whitman (ROW-6-6C) - Selective Herbicide Application

Selective control of incompatible woody vegetation that is still growing after vegetation maintenance from Holbrook to Whitman.

Why Are We Doing This Project?

Vegetation near or that can fall on high-voltage lines can cause safety issues and power outages for thousands of customers. 

To improve system performance, especially during severe weather events, arborists evaluate each right-of-way project prescribing utility vegetation best management practices.

We will selectively control incompatible woody vegetation that is growing in the right of way corridors. This work supports promotes compatible and stable low-growing plant communities that will resist invasion of tall growing tree species and provides benefit to local ecology and biodiversity. This work is worked once every 4-years.

Where Is The Work Being Done?

We'll be selectively controlling incompatible woody vegetation that is growing from Holbrook to Whitman, with work crossing the following towns: Abington, Brockton, Holbrook and Whitman. 

Please see project maps below for details. Click maps to enlarge.

When Is The Work Being Done?

This project is planned for 2024. Specific project dates and details for those adjacent to the rights of way work will be informed via mailed letter, informational door hanger and in-person conversation. 

Community Outreach

We're committed to engaging city officials, residents, businesses, community groups and other stakeholders about project activities through municipal briefings, mailings, virtual meetings and door-to-door outreach. We will continue these outreach efforts as the proposed project proceeds through the siting process and into construction. 

Have Questions?

Keeping the lines of communication open is an important part of our work in your community.

For questions or more information about the project, please contact us at 1-888-673-9943 or