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Electric Supplier Information in Connecticut

Important contacts, reference documents and information for electric suppliers doing business in Connecticut's deregulated market.

Electric Suppliers Support

Business Contact
Denise Magaldi
Account Executive - Supplier Services
107 Selden St.
Berlin, CT 06037

Supplier Load Estimation and NEPOOL Billing
Colleen Bennett
Manager - Load Settlement & Analysis
107 Selden St.
Berlin, CT 06037 

Customer Interval Data Requests
EPO Administrator

Electric Supplier Service Agreement

Information on the service agreement must be type written.

Electric Supplier Service Agreement (PDF)

Processing schedule

Energy Suppliers Processing Schedule
Daily Activity/EventApproximate Completion Time (24 hour clock)
Receive Supplier EDI Input 00:00 to 15:00
Daily Billing Cycle Process 16:00 - 08:00 (Upload readings, post cash billing)
Bills printed/inserted/mailed By 18:00
Transmit EDI Output to Suppliers 12:00 - 15:00

Profile Segments 

Load estimation methodology

Companies affiliated with Eversource have been involved with retail access load estimation procedures since 1996, when the first pilot program began in New England and since March 1998 when retail access began in Massachusetts. Eversource’s approach draws upon this experience, as well as regional work groups.

Supplier hourly load determination

The daily load determination process results in estimated hourly loads for each Supplier for the previous day using interval data and customer billing information. These loads are reported to ISO-NE within 37 business hours from the day of dispatch.

On a monthly basis the estimates are refined by incorporating actual usage data obtained from customer meter readings as well as additional interval readings that may now be available.

There are several components in the daily load determination process:

  • Select Load Shapes: Load profiles are generated for each customer within Eversource's Connecticut service territory. Actual hourly load data are utilized for customers that have interval recorders installed. For all other customers, daily class profiles are estimated utilizing representative historical load research data developed from samples designed to meet PURA regulatory standards.
  • Aggregate Usage Information: A "usage factor" is calculated for each customer. This usage factor reflects the relationship of each customer’s actual meter read cycle usage to the average usage of customers in their respective class developed from the sample data over the same period.
  • Develop Preliminary Estimates of Hourly Loads: A preliminary estimate of each Supplier’s hourly loads is produced by scaling the appropriate class profiles, relative to the associated usage factors, and including any telemetered data. Each Supplier’s loads will then be aggregated across the classes for a Supplier’s daily profile.
  • Incorporate Non-Pool Transmission Facility (Non-PTF) Losses: Non-PTF Losses are added to each supplier’s load. Losses are 2.33% for primary customers and 5.16% for secondary customers.
  • Reconcile to System Loads: The Suppliers' preliminary hourly loads are compared to the company’s actual hourly metered loads (as metered at the PTF boundary or interconnection point with the distribution company network). The difference, or residual, is allocated to Suppliers proportionally to the estimated portion of the Suppliers’ loads.

Monthly reconciliation process

The monthly reconciliation process, which utilizes the same methodology as the daily load determination process, incorporates the most recent customer usage, which is available after monthly meter readings have been processed. This process also includes actual hourly demand information from the non-telemetered interval recorders that have been processed subsequent to the initial estimate.

Revised Supplier values for the calendar month are reconciled to the revised system values for the same time period. Any residual is allocated proportionally to the estimated portion of the Supplier's loads. The resulting energy values are reported to ISO-NE within 90 days from the end of the calendar month. 

Numeric profile segments