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Where to Interconnect to Transmission
There are many factors involved in determining an ideal location to interconnect.
Eversource and other transmission owners must often upgrade portions of their system (network and distribution upgrades) in order to reliably accommodate a new facility's interconnection.
The ISO New England Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) requires that interconnection customers pay for not only the dedicated interconnection facilities required to interconnect a project, but also any network and distribution upgrades that were required due to the new interconnection.
Accordingly, interconnecting in an area on the system that has high interconnection volume or a region of the power grid in which the transmission system is at capacity can result in extensive and costly upgrades.
A prudent developer should therefore research potential interconnection locations extensively before submitting an interconnection request to ISO New England.
Helpful Resources
The Interconnection Request Queue is a great place to start this research.
The ISO New England Interconnection Queue lists the current status of requests for the interconnection of new or uprated (increased capacity) generating facilities in New England, including Elective Transmission Upgrades (ETUs) and transmission service requests.
There are other resources available on the ISO New England Interconnection Service website that will assist you in the interconnection process.
After discussing the project with the interconnecting transmission owner, prospective customers must submit generator project interconnection requests pursuant to OATT Schedules 22, 23 or 25 and load project interconnection requests pursuant to Schedule 21, as applicable.
Request Assistance
In order to better assist our interconnection customers in the development of a feasible project, we will provide guidance prior to interconnection request submission to ISO New England, upon request.
The OATT Schedule 23 Pre-Application Process may assist in determining if a project is feasible.
We may provide details on the following:
- Point of interconnection
- Potential access and use of Eversource land and rights of way
- Related reliability and/or asset condition projects ongoing in the area of interconnection (Example: Regional System Plan project list)
- Potential reuse of existing transmission interconnection facilities
Take the next step
If you've decided you are ready to interconnect to the transmission system, you can continue in the process.