

Rate 37 is a time-of-day rate available for general service customers with annual maximum demands less than 350 kW.

Beginning January 1, 2009 customers whose peak demand is between 300 kW and 350 kW* are required to take service under Rate 37. The following calculator will help you understand the impact of billing under Rate 37, and of how shifting your electricity usage will affect your bill. See the actual rate schedule for additional information. Eversource also has energy-efficiency programs, rebates, financing and other resources that are helping Connecticut businesses thrive while saving energy and money.

Use this calculator to compare charges under time-of-day Rate 37 with charges under general service Rate 35. Enter data for each Rate 35 bill (up to 12 months) and click the "Add" button. You will be able to update or remove your entries below. After you have entered at least one month of data, click the "Calculate" button to see your comparison. If you do not have an on and off peak demand (kW) on your bill, leave the Off-peak demand box blank and put your billed demand in the On-Peak box.

* Exceptions to this requirement include customers receiving service under Rates 40 or 41
Enter a label for this calculation (This will show on your printable results)

Statement Month
On-Peak Demand (kW)
Off-Peak Demand (kW)
Total Usage (kWh)
On Peak %
On-Peak Usage (kWh)
Off-Peak Usage (kWh)