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Heat Pump Energy Expectations

Heat pumps can be an efficient way to heat and cool your home. We're here to help you understand how it will impact your energy usage.

Heat Pump Electricity Usage

A heat pump is an electrical appliance, so running one will add to your electrical use. In many cases, however, that additional electrical use is offset by savings elsewhere. You may also decide that the increased comfort is worth the additional energy costs. 

Of course, if you’re adding a heat pump where there was no cooling source before, it will increase your electric use. 

Temperature matters

Heat pumps are more efficient than most other systems, but they can still increase your bill if they aren’t used properly. It might be tempting to drop the temperature down to 60 degrees on a hot summer day, but the heat pump will need a lot of electricity to drop in temperature that much. 

Instead, your heat pump is designed to adjust itself automatically and maintain a temperature that keeps you comfortable. We recommend picking a temperature that’s comfortable for the season, and leaving your heat pump at that setting. 

When can a heat pump help me save?

Your heating and cooling situation prior to installing a heat pump will inform your energy usage and savings once it’s installed: 

  • If you have electric heat, you’ll probably save on electric costs in the winter
  • If you’re using a room or central ac, you’ll probably save on electric costs in the summer
  • If you use oil or propane to heat your home, you’ll probably save on your oil or propane bill, but see an increase in your electric bill.

Looking for other ways to lower your electric bill?

Remember, the best way to save electricity is to avoid using it in the first place. Check out our energy saving tips library for ways to stay cool and save energy this summer.

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