Information on this page is for customers in
{{ town-name }}
Service Equipment Ownership
In the event of storm damage, you may have questions about which parts of your service are privately owned and which parts Eversource maintains.
Eversource Responsibility
We maintain the electric poles, wires and other infrastructure that run along your street and end at the connection point just after your service drop. We are also responsible for the electric meter.
Customer Responsibility
The property owner is responsibility for the wires and equipment that run from the connection point into a residence are the responsibility of the customer, including the weatherhead and electric meter socket.
If you have damage to the wires or equipment after the connection point (except for your meter) please call a licensed electrician to have them repaired.
Also, after repairs are complete, you or your electrician will need to contact your town's wire inspector before Eversource can restore service.
A printable PDF is also available showing electric equipment ownership.