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2019 Energy Efficiency
Eversource invests approximately $500 million a year in energy efficiency across our service territory.
In Massachusetts, $250.2 million of green bond proceeds were allocated to our Energy Efficiency programs.
Eversource’s recent recognition confirms the success of our programs. We are consistently recognized as a leader in energy efficiency by national industry organizations.
In 2018, Eversource received the ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year – Sustained Excellence Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
The EPA and DOE recognized Eversource in Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Hampshire for continued leadership in energy efficiency and commitment to programs for customers including ENERGY STAR lighting and appliances, in-home services and new home construction.
The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) 2018 Utility Energy Efficiency Scorecard ranked our efforts in Massachusetts first among the 51 largest electric utilities. We also ranked fifth in the nation in Connecticut.
In 2016, Ceres’ “Benchmarking Utility Clean Energy Deployment” ranked Eversource number one in Energy Efficiency among investor-owned utilities.
Our Strategy
Keys to our success have been the partnerships we've forged with organizations such as the New England Clean Energy Council, Massachusetts Energy Efficiency Advisory Council, Fraunhofer Sustainability Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Connecticut Energy Efficiency Board as well as the New Hampshire Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Energy Board.
Eversource also works closely with community leaders, residents, schools and businesses to reduce energy consumption, increase the use of renewable resources, and encourage participation in available energy programs.
Further, we engage with the communities we serve in numerous ways, including offering educational training workshops and informational booths at industry, community and regional events.
Eversource works with businesses small and large to identify and implement energy improvement opportunities, reduce operational costs, and increase productivity and competitiveness. We retain teams of highly skilled technical staff dedicated to connecting customers to those solutions and to the attractive financial incentives that help facilitate implementation.
Additionally, we establish long-term strategic partnerships with high energy users. These multi-year agreements provide a roadmap for energy-efficient construction and upgrades and feature aggressive energy and carbon reduction goals.
These partnerships enable larger customers to better plan and forecast their investments, ensure that they have the engineering support needed, and leverage the benefits resulting from a comprehensive approach to energy efficiency.
Document and Other Information
The links below provider further information about our Energy Efficiency efforts, how much we have spent and kWh savings in Massachusetts.
Also, the Sustainability & the Environment section of our site contains more information about our commitment to the environment and sustainability - today and into the future.
- 2017 Energy Efficiency Plan-Year Report - Eversource's filing with the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU 18-51) detailing results for 2017.
- Mass Save Electric ans Gas Summary Report - Statewide Energy Efficiency data that can be filtered by each of the program administrators (PAs) such as Eversource, other utilities and municipal aggregators.