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Hosting Capacity Map FAQs
What is Hosting Capacity?
Hosting capacity is the estimated maximum amount of energy from a distributed resource (such as solar panels) that can be accommodated on the distribution system at a given location. This capacity is under existing grid conditions and operations without requiring significant infrastructure upgrades. This capacity takes into consideration safety, power quality, reliability or other operational criteria.
What is the difference between Location Hosting Capacity and Bulk Substation Hosting Capacity?
The Bulk Station Hosting Capacity is the amount of distribution energy a substation can accommodate, assuming one of the transformers at the substation is offline (either for service or repair). The Location Hosting Capacity is the amount of distribution energy a circuit can accommodate. This can’t exceed the Bulk Substation Hosting Capacity of the circuit’s substation.
My proposed project is larger than the Hosting Capacity. Does this mean the generation can’t be interconnected?
No. The Hosting Capacity values only reflect the maximum amount of distributed energy that can be interconnected with minimal impact to the distribution system. You can still apply for interconnection in this scenario, however the impact study will determine the scope of upgrades required to interconnect the project.
Does the Hosting Capacity consider power flows from alternate circuits?
No. It assumes the proposed distributed energy will only operate on the circuit in its normal or primary configuration.
How do I know if we have a single phase at the site?
All gray lines on the map are single phase. Colors other than gray on the map indicate hosting capacity on three phase circuits.
There is sufficient capacity on a circuit for my project. Do I still need to submit an application to interconnect?
Yes. An application is still needed to review the project in detail and secure a queue position relative to other applications on the circuit. Depending on the size of the project, a system impact study may still be required.