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Flood Safety

Natural gas customers should take special caution in flood-prone areas.

Flooding Safety Hazards

If you're a natural gas customer, flooding can create a safety hazard by damaging your furnace or other natural gas heating systems and appliances.

You should take special caution if you're located in an area prone to flooding.

Keep the following in mind to stay prepared:

  • Stay out of flooded basements. Floodwaters may shift your gas equipment or appliances, causing stresses to the natural gas piping, possibly resulting in a natural gas leak.

  • If flooding is severe and any natural gas equipment has been under water, you should not use it until it's been inspected by a licensed plumber or contractor.

  • Do not attempt to place natural gas appliances back in service yourself. A licensed plumber or contractor will check, clean, repair and pressure test all gas pipes, which may have been clogged with mud or debris. 

  • If water levels were high enough to cover the gas meter, call Eversource to have your meter and regulator checked for safety before using your gas system.

  • Once your appliances are safe to operate, call Eversource to have your gas service turned back on and your appliances relit.

If you smell rotten eggs...

Gas safety icon demonstrating smell leave tell

If you smell gas in your home or business, leave immediately. DO NOT light matches, turn electrical switches on or off, or use a telephone or cell phone in the building.

From a safe place and call 911. Remain outside until Eversource can check the source of the odor.

Learn more about reporting possible gas leaks